Western Hills to Moonshine

Western Hills to Moonshine – Sunday 29 May 2022

On a perfect autumnal morning 5 UHWTC members met at Silverstream Railway Station to navigate the many tracks in the Western Hills overlooking the River Road between Silverstream Bridge and Moonshine Bridge.

An underpass close to Silverstream Bridge was used to cross the ever busy River Road followed with a short walk beside River Road before turning left and following a steep 4WD track up on to the pylon maintenance track.  Good foot ware and poles proved very useful on this steep, uneven track.  Lots of pauses to take in the views over Silverstream/Pinehaven; allowing us also to draw our breath and take of layers of clothing that we’re now not needed.

Brief stop for morning tea at the top before setting off along the much easier, well formed pylon maintenance track which undulated slighted in sections. Mark drew a map when he did a ‘recike’  of the route several weeks ago.  It would be easy to get lost and end up on a different route for those not familiar with the area as there are several other track that could be taken by mistake.

Our exit point was on to Moonshine Road from there a straight forward walk back to where cars had been parked;  some choosing to stop for a most enjoyable coffee at the Fig Tree on Fergusson Drive.

Helen Bassett