Matariki Celebrations
Te Papa
Sunday 26 June 2022

On Friday 24 June New Zealand celebrated the first Public Holiday to recognise Te Ao Māori and celebrate Matariki, a time of remembrance, celebrating the present, and looking to the future. This year Te Papa hosted the official launch of Matariki.

One of our club members, Brenda Franklin works at Te Papa and organised a tour through the Matariki exhibitions at Te Papa including the ‘Manawatia a Matariki – celebrating Māori New Year set up specially to mark this historic date for Māori.

Full details re displays and program of events available on Te Papa website:

On Friday 24 June from dawn to dusk Wellingtonians turned out for the first Matariki public holiday with a hautapu ceremony marking the rising of the star cluster Matariki (Pleiades) which rises mid-winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Regretfully due to possible Covid infection Brenda was not able to come to Te Papa with our UHWTC group on Sunday 26 June. 5 members and 3 friends met Robbie our Tour Guide at 10am in the ground floor foyer at Te Papa.  We caught the lift to the 4th floor where Robbie gave our group a detailed and fascinating introductory talk.  We learnt about the science of Matauranga Māori of Matariki including ways of identifying the cluster in the morning sky and understanding the domain of each whetu (star).

Through Te Papa offering guided tours and talks similar to what Robbie gave us we each increased our knowledge and understanding of the importance of Matariki.  Matariki marks the start of the Maori New Year.   Signified by the Matariki cluster of stars in the night sky Maori use this time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present and plan for the year ahead.

Matariki is one of the star clusters nearest to the Earth – but it is still 440 light years away.  Matariki is a time to gather with family and friends.

UHWTC members and friends enjoyed gathering together at Te Papa on Sunday;  we were in awe at the vast amount of knowledge Robbie shared with us and look forward to expanding our knowledge and sharing future Matariki celebrations with Maori throughout New Zealand.  Our grateful thanks to Brenda for organising this visit to Te Papa for UHWTC.

Helen Bassett